Marijo Howard


I have been a resident of Kitchener for over five decades and have always lived in Ward 3, with the exception of time away for post secondary education. I hold a BEd from Nippising University, a BA from Wilfred Laurier University and a Diploma in Business and Design from the International Academy of Design.

I began my career in the business world holding increasingly senior roles in Sales, Marketing and Public Relations before entering the field of Education.

Community involvement has always been a passion of mine, from the time I was quite young helping at church, hockey tournaments, Girl Guides of Canada etc.; to the over 25 years I dedicated myself to KW Octoberfest and its’ Executive Board of Directors, as well as Chairing several Oktoberfest committees. I have previously been a consultant and/or volunteer for the Canadian Mental Health Association, St. Mary’s Hospital Foundation, Waterloo Region Down Syndrome Society, and KidsAbility. I have also held Chair positions for St. Mary’s Hospital Volunteer Association for Festival of Trees, and Best Friends of Big Sisters Gourmet dinner and golf tournament. I have also donated many mornings helping make and serve breakfast to numerous children from Wilson School with Nutrition for Learning. These are just a few of the organizations that have all benefited from my commitment and enthusiasm for making life better for the citizens of our city and region.

Inspired by over 40 years of working with members of our community, I am motivated to put my focus, energy and dedication toward serving all citizens of Ward 3 as their representative in City Council. In doing so my goal is to ensure that all members of the community feel they have a voice that is heard.